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Now that you found me, there is a bridge connecting us!
There will be a lot happening on this bridge. Be it through my newsletter, Instagram account, or right here on the website, I’ll be sharing with you my thoughts, experiences, inspirations, and a whole bunch of solutions to give as much meaning to our connection and the time we get to spend together.
If you don’t have much time to spare right now, here’s me in a nutshell. Born, raised, and based in Kuwait, I’ve spent most of my professional life in global corporate leadership roles. I’ve always had a lot of energy, which naturally led to me being a high-performance professional. While developing my career, I sensed a greater calling, one that transcended geography, culture, and industry. That’s when I started building bridges from within myself to the world outside, creating pathways to achieve my ultimate goals as a human being. Today, I am here to serve anyone ready and willing to do the work required in a journey of personal growth - the type of growth that positively impacts every aspect of your life, everyone you encounter, and the planet we all share. One of my greatest ambitions is to help nurture future generations to become leaders who build a sustainable world filled with creative solutions, a world in which everyone has access and opportunities to learn, develop and contribute. I’d love for you to join me on this quest.
If you have more time on your hands, there’s more to read on the about section.